24 January 2023
The PALLAS-project has entered the detailed design phase and has, after the well-received market consultation to evaluate its strategy, officially put out a tender for a General Contractor.
Tender phases
The Foundation Preparation Pallas-reactor (PALLAS) has launched the pre-qualification for the General Contractor to build the PALLAS-reactor including several buildings and ancillary facilities under EU procurement guidelines.
After this pre-qualification phase, qualified candidates are selected and invited to participate in the dialogue phase that will start later this year.
By spring of 2023 PALLAS aims to select a maximum of 3 candidates to take on the role of General Contractor and by the end of the year would like to have signed a final agreement with one of the selected candidates.
The tender has been announced through Mercell, TED and TenderNed. More info about the tender can be found through this link.
The basic design activities for the PALLAS-project have been finished in collaboration with ICHOS, a Dutch Argentinian party contracted for the design activities. The Argentinian company INVAP (part of ICHOS) has wide experience in nuclear projects such as the OPAL reactor in Australia.
Please note: the decision to finance the total PALLAS-programme is currently being addressed by the government and is expected this year. The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport had ordered PALLAS to take no irreversible steps until the Dutch government has taken a final funding decision. In parallel the Minister asked PALLAS to proceed with the project preparations to prevent unnecessary delay. This means that the tender for the General Contractor will proceed awaiting a final financing decision of the Dutch government. The official letter of the Minister can be accessed here.
For all media inquiries, please contact:
Cora Blankendaal