Press Release

PALLAS design permits published

20 October 2022

The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ANVS) and Rijkswaterstaat have published the draft licences under the Nuclear Energy Act and Water Act for the PALLAS-reactor in Petten. On Wednesday 16 November, the ANVS, together with Rijkswaterstaat, is organising a public consultation evening on the licensing process. Inspection of the documents is from 21 October to 1 December 2022.

The realisation of the PALLAS-reactor requires permits under the Nuclear Energy Act and the Water Act, among others. An environmental impact report (MER) is also required. This describes all the environmental consequences of the research reactor and a number of alternatives to it systematically and objectively. The ANVS ensures that nuclear safety and radiation protection in the Netherlands meet the highest standards. To this end, the ANVS draws up rules, grants licences, monitors compliance and can take enforcement action. In the application for this Nuclear Energy Act licence, the design, the PALLAS-organisation and the related nuclear safety will be assessed in particular.

For more information about the public participation evening, the submitted documents (including the Water Act licence submitted to the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management), please refer to the ANVS website.

Want to know more?

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Cora Blankendaal 2 Pallas 2023

Cora Blankendaal