12 April 2023
The Nuclear Energy Act licence comes into effect, and the works on the Pit & Foundation may start. Peter Dijk, PALLAS-programme director: “We are very pleased with this important milestone. The PALLAS-team has been working hard in recent years to submit the application for the license of the PALLAS-reactor. With this licence, we can proceed with the preparatory work for the final realisation of the PALLAS-reactor.”
On 15 February 2023, the Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS) granted the Nuclear Energy Act licence for the construction of the PALLAS-reactor. The issue of the permit was followed by an objection period, in which appeals against the licence could have been filed. Recently, the objection period came to an end and the licence is now effective.
The permit that the ANVS granted means that the PALLAS-reactor may be build and the works on the Pit &Foundation may start. In order to use the reactor in the future, a Nuclear Energy Act licence for operation is still required.
Every day, 30,000 patients depend on the production of medical radioisotopes from Petten in North Holland. This number is expected to increase due to the introduction of new treatments with medical isotopes from reactors and the growth in the number of patients with cancer and cardiovascular diseases worldwide. PALLAS has therefore taken the initiative to build the PALLAS-reactor in Petten. Obtaining the permits is an important milestone in the realisation of the reactor.
The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport has instructed PALLAS to continue with project preparations to avoid unnecessary delays. This means that preparations for the realisation of the construction pit will continue pending a final funding decision from the Dutch government. The official letter from the minister can be accessed here.
For all media inquiries, please contact:
Cora Blankendaal