28 July 2022
Pending the cabinet decision on the PALLAS-programme, preparations are being made for the construction of the new PALLAS-reactor. One of these preparations is the construction of the work site that offers space for the preparatory work for the civil construction of the PALLAS-reactor, the so-called ‘lay-down area’ and the construction of an access road. The original access road from the 1960s will be made accessible again and made suitable for all construction traffic.
The PALLAS Foundation has found a partner in KWS who can carry out this work in which they use innovative machines that do not cause vibrations and that consider sustainability to be of paramount importance. KWS will start work on the lay-down area in mid-August and start work on the access road in September.
More about PALLAS
Every day 30,000 patients depend on medical isotopes from the Netherlands. In order to guarantee security of supply in the future, preparations for the construction of the PALLAS-reactor are now underway. In addition to medical isotope production, the PALLAS-reactor will also be used for energy research in the future.
For all media inquiries, please contact:
Cora Blankendaal